Thursday, December 23, 2010

Public speaking - chitosan food coating film

Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for giving me another chance to breathe for another new day. 

21th December 2010 is the show time. All participants need to present about their chosen topic regarding on the area that had been given by Miss Nani on the public speaking session. Remember that my group's topic is about food and technology? I chose chitosan food coating film as my topic. Here goes my speech.

Chitosan is a biological product formed from the deacetylation process of chitin that been extracted from the crustacean shells. The chitosan food coating film can be make by dip the fruits or vegetables in the liquid soup made from chitosan. it also can be sprayed in dilute form on foods creating a protective, antibacterial, fungi static and yet an edible food coating film. Chitosan is not digested by human body, it acts as a fibre. It can bind to lipid in the intestine and thereby reducing by 20-30% the amount of cholesterol absorbed by human body. Chitosan is a natural anti-microbial compound meaning it resist infection from microbes, molds and fungi. The chitosan food coating film will modify the internal atmosphere to decrease the transpiration loss and to delay the ripening of the fruits and vegetables. Therefore, it can control the decay and extend the shelf-life of the foods. Due to its excellent compatibility with other functional substrate, it can be used as a carrier of antimicrobials to further enhance the quality and storability of the coated foods. it can be an excellent vehicle to further enhance the health benefit of the coated foods, where the lack of some important nutrients like vitamin E and calcium may be compensated by incorporating them into the coating. In addition, chitosan food coating film can improve the quality of the frozen foods by reducing drip loss and improving texture quality. As a conclusion, this chitosan food coating film might be the best solution in reducing the usage of plastic food wrapper.

I had been evaluated by Mr. Hisham and Fadirul. The feedback from Mr. Hisham was a good one whereby he said that I had a good pronunciation, confidence, eye contact just I need to control my nervous. And alhamdulillah, thank god I had been chosen as top 15 public speakers. It is a very exciting and unforgettable experience. Thank you Mr. Hisham.  


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