Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Communtion for leaders

Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah for giving me another chance to breathe for another new day.

Each one of us is born to be a leader, leader to ourselves. To become a leader, we should have a persona, aura and characteristics as a leader. It can be learned and gained through experience either by our own experience or others. Sometime, it is gotten in ourselves as a natural talent. Every leader has their leadership style. It can be participative, charismatic, situational, transactional, transformation, quiet and servant leadership style. Whatever style a leader has, he or she should lead his or her follower well. Therefore, a leader should have very good and strong communication skills.
Prof. Dr. Syed Omar Syed Agil conducted a session on the communication for leaders. He talked about all the aspect that a leader should be taking a lot of consideration and attention in order to become a very good leader. He also shared with us a lot of his experience.
He assigned us to choose a leader that we think is a good leader, do some research and discuss about him and then present about the leader in term of his or her communication skills and leadership approach. Each group chose only one leader and my group, chose Donald Trump as our leader example.
Prof. Omar gave us a case study. The case study is about an organization that failed to organize a big project which at the end, there is a lot of problems that faced by the organization. Each group need to find and discuss all the communication barriers that led to the failure of the project. Prof. Omar chose two groups that perform the best presentation and awarded those two groups with RM50 per group. Bioself group was chosen by Prof. Omar and Pecah Mental group was chosen by group voting.  Congrats to the winner!

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